Living Water Counseling Ministry- Virginia and North Carolina Telehealth Counseling
Living Water Counseling Ministry- Virginia and North Carolina Telehealth Counseling
Mental Health Counseling, Christian Counseling, Substance Abuse Counseling
" ...If you knew the Gift of would have asked of Him, and He would have given you Living Water." (John 4:10 KJV)
Christian Counseling
Christian Counseling
Many people want to develop a better plan to grow spirituality as a Christian but are unsure where to start. Many books are a great resource to give suggestions on how to develop a plan to grow spirituality but unfortunately these plans are not personalized to fit everyone's life. I will work with you to develop a plan specifically for you, your life situations, your struggles, and working around your work or home situation. Some previous clients have focused on improving themselves as a spouse, mother/father, child, caregiver, teacher, pastor, church leader, etc.
*Please be aware that issues addressed in counseling are not limited to what is discussed above.